This change does not affect Campus Instruction or Campus Student/Parent Portal.
The past few years, Infinite Campus has been previewing a new user interface (UI) they call the New Look with the intention to move everything over to this UI. Teachers using Campus Instruction or anyone who has elected to do so have already been using the New Look and will not see a difference in their daily activities. However, the New Look will become mandatory for all users soon.
Infinite Campus will be changing to the New Look on June 19, 2024.
We encourage everyone to switch over to the New Look as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the changes before the permanent switch over happens. This will give you some time to move back and forth between Classic and New Look until you feel more comfortable with the new interface.
How to try the New Look before it’s permanent.
Sign in to Infinite Campus, then click the User Icon in the upper right corner and next to Try New Look toggle to ON.
Be sure to try out some of the new features like setting Favorites for the sections of Infinite Campus you use most, or using the Tool Search functionality to find the right features for what you need to accomplish.
For more detailed information about the New Look please visit: